How do I login to GALILEO?



Access from Canvas:

Canvas>Library Tools> TU Library & Learning Commons Tools>GALILEO

Or from the library's homepage:


After clicking on GALILEO, choose Thomas University - USA from the sign-in page. Do NOT sign in with OpenAthens. 



Next, login with your TU credentials. (The same login you use for HawkLink and Canvas.)

Login Format: 

TU Username: Same as your Hawklink/Canvas username. Include only the first part of your username and NOT

Student Name Example: firstname.lastname (John.Smith)

Password: Your Hawklink/Canvas password


Contact the Student Technology Help Desk if you receive a password or username related error. 

To reset your password, you must submit a ticket to the Student Technology Help Desk. Be sure to include RESET PASSWORD in the subject line of your email. The Library cannot reset any passwords!  Please note: This will reset your password for not only GALILEO, but your email, Hawklink, Canvas, and the library catalog. 

For all other errors contact:


  • Last Updated Jul 08, 2024
  • Views 662
  • Answered By TU Library

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