How much do you charge for overdue fines?


Overdue items owned by Thomas University Library are subject to fines for all TU students and community users as follows:


.10 cents per day per item

DVDs and Videocassettes

.25 cents per day per item


Varies/Kindles: $1.00 per day

Reserve materials


A fine is accrued for each day that the item is overdue from the due date. Fines do NOT accrue on days that the library is closed.  A total fine amount cannot be recorded until the overdue item is returned to the library and is discharged in the system.

Overdue fees should be paid at the time those items are returned to the library in order to avoid a hold being placed upon the patron’s account.  Holds are removed once all financial obligations are cleared.


  • Last Updated Jul 02, 2018
  • Views 53
  • Answered By TU Library

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